Hazy Eye Music Media is proud to post another interview in a series of interviews I’m currently conducting with some of my favorite artists. I’m stepping outside of my comfort zone and have begun picking the brains of some phenomenal musicians. This time I, Andy Jillson, was fortunate enough to interview Garrett Ficacci of The Gay Agenda.
The Gay Agenda is a “homo riot hardcore punk outfit” from San Diego, CA. According to Ficacci, “The band was the brainchild of David Hurtt from some years ago, wanting to create heavy punk music while being unapologetically, irreverently, and identifiably queer.” They formed in 2017, released a self-titled EP in 2018, and now they’ve released their first full-length album. Their album Penetrating was released in June 2020 via La Escalera Records, preceded by a single for “Homo Riot” featuring Justin Pearson (Locust, Retox, and Dead Cross). Their debut album is provocatively titled Penetrating (and has equally provocative cover art). Continue reading below for my full interview with Garrett Ficacci. All images copyright and courtesy of Becky DiGiglio and The Gay Agenda.