Dark Star Orchestra played to a sold out crowd of psychedelic ghouls and goblins at the Frederick Fairgrounds in Frederick, MD on October 31, 2020 and I was masked-up in the photo pit to capture some of this unusual event. All Good Presents and Showtime At The Drive-In hosted drive-in concert events at the fairgrounds last fall and DSO rose the Dead on Halloween night 2020. There was music, magic, mischief, and mayhem. What more could you want?!?
Anyway, in this Photo Flashback I am remembering my time with DSO. Continue reading below for more images of Dark Star Orchestra performing for a sold out (socially-distanced) crowd at the Frederick Fairgrounds on 10/31/20. All images copyright and courtesy of Andy Jillson.

Here are some more shots of DSO on Halloween at the Frederick Fairgrounds, 10/31/20. All images copyright and courtesy of Andy Jillson/Hazy Eye Music Media…