Markus King Band performed to an intense soldout crowd at the Theatre of Living Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December 10, 2019 — and I, Jordan August, was there to capture some of the musical greatness. MKB definitely brought the south to Philly. The Theatre of Living Arts was packed to the absolute max for this performance. Awesome show!
Continue reading below for my full concert review and more shots from the show. All images copyright and courtesy of Jordan August.

From the first moment I heard the voice of Marcus King I was totally hooked. A few years down the road, a dozen performances later, and a little bit of a lineup change — Markus King and his band keep getting tighter and more soulful. It has always amazed me to hear the amount of gritty butter-smooth tones that come out of this young man from South Carolina.

Some of my favorite parts of the show, music and guitar playing aside, was the banter and talking in between songs. Their southern drawl and complete honesty really feels like home. Like a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup in the winter. You know? “We’re here to play you some music and were going to leave everything we got out on the stage tonight Philly. That ok with you?!?” Ummmmm yes, that is more than okay!!!

As I mentioned, the TLA was at its maximum capacity. The venue was more crammed and crowded than I have ever seen. The age bracket was varied. There were men and women in there 60’s, all the way down to the early 20’s dread-locked hippies twirling around at the back of the room. It was both surprising and impressive to see such a varied audience.

MKB brought an overwhelming amount of good vibes and southern hospitality to TLA. As I was exiting the venue I lit a cigarette and a very nice young lady walked up to me and asked if she could “bum one.” My instant response (without hesitation) was, “Yes Ma’am.” Funny thing is my response came out in a heavy southern — and if you know me, I certainly do not have a southern accent.

MKB are still out on tour and I sincerely hope to see them again. Such great performers and musicians. I’m really looking forward to watching this group of stellar players continue to grow, create amazing music, and eventually conqueror the jam and southern rock music scene. Our next Warren Haynes, maybe the next Allman Brothers, the next….nah, they’re just the Marcus King Band. Uniquely their own.

Luckily for the fans, the Markus King Band are still touring and show no signs of slowing down. I was impressed by the bands sound and performance — as was the entire soldout crowd. Be sure to check out the Official Markus King Band Website for all upcoming tour dates and other info about the man and his band.

Here are some more photos of the Markus King Band performing at the Theatre of Living Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December 10, 2019. All images copyright and courtesy of Jordan August.

Stream these Markus King Band albums on Spotify: