Justin Pearson

Hazy Eye Music Media is proud to announce the first interview in a series of interviews I’m currently conducting with some of my favorite artists. I’m stepping outside of my comfort zone and have begun picking the brains of some phenomenal musicians. It’s extremely unfortunate that there will likely be no live shows to attend during the remainder of 2020, but that’s not going to stop me from interacting with my musical peers.

Anyway, check it out! I, Andy Jillson, was fortunate enough to interview Justin Pearson earlier this week. Justin is a unique vocalist and bass guitar player, and is also the owner of his own record label, Three One G Records. He has had a prolific music career thus far, and there seems to be no end to his creativity. He is currently a member of Dead Cross, The Locust, Planet B, and Deaf Club. Continue reading below for my full interview with Justin.